RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan)

RAP header

Fair Play Vision

At Fair Play OOSH, we acknowledge the Awabakal People, Worimi People & the Wonnarua People who have continued to nurture and care for the Land on which our service’s stand since long before they were established. We wish to embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples past, present and emerging.

We are a diverse community and want to respectfully respond to and care for Country by knowing that it is growing and changing. We aim to work collaboratively with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to learn from their knowledge and perspectives, and to respectfully share learnings among children, educators and the wider community.

Our vision is to meaningfully embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures into our everyday program and practices. We aim to plan and provide respectful experiences that explore fairness, justice and equity. We understand that our Reconciliation Action Plan’s (RAP) are a living document, that is constantly growing, and we are committed to continuous learning throughout this process.

Fair Play Acknowledgement to Country

Fair Play OOSH acknowledges that the land we learn, play and grow on is the traditional land of the Aboriginal people. We pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging, and support all Aboriginal and Torres Strait people in the journey towards reconciliation.